Welcome to my:

Great to see you here! First, I want to say welcome and I who designed this site and want to start this project is called Karin and I am passionate about people’s well-being. I have a soft spot for people who may have lost a little faith in themselves, isolated themselves for various reasons or are just a little lost. It’s easy to do that when you’re unemployed, on sick leave, on disability pension or why not a student. I know that many people are currently sitting alone at home or trying to activate themselves in different ways.

What I want to do is create an oasis where you can land and just be for a while. A place that lets you know that there is always a good place to go during the day if you want to get some community, land a little and get new strength. Maybe bring your creative project, a magazine, computer or something similar. A bit like a coffee shop, but you can talk to others and you can bring your own thermos and sandwich if you want.

It should be your well-being in focus so you decide if you want to talk to others or if you just want to be there. Both should be equally ok. Social means so many different things to different people. Sometimes it can just be nice to be around others without talking so much.

Instead of watching more youtube videos or reorganizing your closet, come here and hang out with other good people. We need community and context, we are a herd animal! We are not meant to sit at home alone involuntarily. And you’re welcome even on days when you’re not feeling your best.

The idea of this place is that we help each other feel better, naturally, just by being together. And then of course finding fun and rewarding things together.

I am fond of the idea of recycling, upcycling, where old unloved things get new life again. But there are lots of possibilities you can come up with. We can have discussion sessions with a specific topic, you can have weekly themes where you focus on something specific together for a week, we can have joint crafts and yes, maybe you have a cool idea? These are just a few of the things you could do. Tuesdays are baking days when everyone who wants to is involved in baking? Take us to a flea market and bring something to make again? A joint trip to a nice destination together? Fun games? As I said, there are lots of possibilities and not least the fact that you will make new acquaintances and maybe even friends.

Each week, it will hopefully also be possible to book in for relaxation, conversations in a circle and self-love, for those who want. However, it will depend on the premises in the beginning but will work to make it work in some way.

This is what I have chosen to call hjärterum (heart room), a place where you get some breathing space and time to find back to strength and the good in life – together. A place that starts small, but who knows what new possibilities are born in this?

Can you call it a club? Or is it a kind of sewing room with no requirement to even be creative? A kind of living room where you hang out with others? It’s about getting a bunch of people together in the daytime and sort of… getting together and then doing a bit of whatever comes to mind.

The most important thing is to get out and meet new people, create new conditions and new fun. How wonderful it would be if a bunch of people are sitting and crocheting and crafting in one corner and others are sitting and discussing some interesting topic over some home coffee in the other. Good vibes. A nice place that gives you strength and joy so that life is simply better.

But everything is small in the beginning and even though we will not be sitting in the Taj Mahal, the most important thing is what we create together. The simple room can eventually become something big and beautiful.



because we feel better when we’re together



Just be for awhile



Crochet, scrapbooking, embroidery, upcycling etc

A bit better

A bit better

A bit easier, a bit better – together

Participate in recovery activities

Participate in recovery activities